Tag: H-R Diagram
What are the different types of stars?
In my last few posts I have talked mainly about the Sun, our closest star but what other types of star are there? Clearly by looking at the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram there are different types; cooler, dimmer smaller stars to brighter, hotter and massive stars. Astronomers class the stars according to a property called it’s Spectral…
Where is the Sun on the H-R diagram?
In one of my earlier posts I described a Hertzsprung Russell diagram which shows the relationship between a stars temperature and its luminosity. But where does our Sun sit on this diagram? Our sun sits squarely in the main sequence line. The main sequence makes up the majority of a stars life when it is burning…
H-R Diagrams
I described stars in my last post and I talked about two that are different colours; Rigel and Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. Rigel is a blue super giant and Betelgeuse is a red super giant but what is the Sun, how do we classify stars as super giants and what other types of…